2015 Mobile Advertising – Where’s The Budget?

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Getting involved with mobile advertising is becoming increasingly more important for businesses who are trying to stick with the trends for current-day marketing. However, the whole mobile advertising & marketing industry is constantly evolving and fluctuating on a regular basis. This makes it hard to get the most optimal experience for your money without keeping up to date on the latest trends. In this article, we take a look at how much of their marketing budget businesses are spending on mobile advertising.

Internet Marketing In General

As you can imagine, it’s not just mobile marketing that has been growing steadily over the last few years. Internet marketing in general, including content both for desktop and mobile, is continuing to grow in 2015. Currently, search engine marketing sits at around 47% of all online marketing spend, and this accounts for roughly 14% of a firm’s budget according to Business2Community.

SEM includes both SEO for desktop websites, ASO and other forms of search engine related marketing across the entirety of the internet. It’s very clear that being seen online is a major goal for many businesses across the world.

From the same study, it’s suggested that around 1 quarter (28%) of marketers are reducing their advertising budget elsewhere to fund for more digital marketing as of 2015.

Whilst Small, Mobile Marketing is Still Important

Compared to other forms of advertising, the amount spent on mobile advertising and marketing is still very slim compared to other formats. For example, the 28% of advertising that goes towards digital, less than half of this (10.6%) goes towards mobile.

However, mobile advertising is still on an uphill trend, and digital ad spending rose by 17% in 2014, and it is expected to grow another 15.5% this year. Mobile spend is constantly being increased too, and even though a lot of advertising budget is still being spent on traditional media, such as television, there is absolutely no doubt that firms both small and large are putting increasingly more of their budget into mobile each and every year.

Another piece of information worth considering is that agencies purchasing mobile advertising for their clients has stayed fairly stable over the last few years, but the types of ads being created have been changing. This can largely be credited to the vast new opportunities, including RTB and programmatic buying that have become more popular in recent years.

Digital and Mobile Advertising Growth

Every year since mobile made it big, we have seen, strong stable and consistent growth for digital and mobile advertising. Slowly, more of a firm’s advertising budget is going towards digital, and a larger portion of this is being attributed directly to mobile.

Even if mobile marketing is currently just a small percentage of overall advertising budgets, the amount of impact mobile is having for marketers has been received very positively, and this is constantly helping mobile and digital ad spend to grow.

Will mobile advertising ever take over traditional media? We couldn’t say for sure, but even if it doesn’t come close, the impact of mobile advertising is growing throughout 2015 and it will be a harsh lesson to learn for businesses who do not invest properly into mobile and digital marketing.

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Author: Richard Buettner

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