Generate App Installs through Programmatic Buying

programmatic-Buying for app installs

As more platforms are becoming more widely used by marketers, it’s starting to become difficult to find out what strategies and campaigns to put focus into. Currently, one of the better mobile marketing strategies involves programmatic buying. Programmatic buying can be used to bid on ad inventory – marketers can put exactly how much they’re … Read more

The Top Reasons for Marketers To Go Programmatic

Programmatic Reason 1 The Top Reasons for Marketers To Go Programmatic

Programmatic ad buying has seen a huge increase in popularity over the last 12 months, but it isn’t just for any old reason. There are many reasons why programmatic marketing has been proven to be so successful, and we’ll be talking a little bit about how you may be able to benefit from it in … Read more

Targeting in Programmatic Media Buying

Power Targeting PMB 300x216 1 Targeting in Programmatic Media Buying

Wohin man dieses Jahr auch schaut, überall wird über das Targeting im Programmatic Media Buying gesprochen. Immer wieder wird betont, dass es der beste und modernste Weg ist ins Programmatische einzusteigen, um hochwertiges Inventar zu finden. Aber was führt zu dem sehr guten Targeting und warum ist es so speziell? In diesem Artikel tauchen wir … Read more

The Power of Targeting in Programmatic Media Buying


Everywhere you go in 2015, you’ll hear about the power of targeting in programmatic media buying. You will constantly hear about how going programmatic is the best, and most modern way to find high-value inventory, but what drives this targeting, and why is it so special? In this article, we take a delve into programmatic … Read more

Lead Gen durch Programmatic Media Buying – Funktioniert das?

Lead Generierung Programmatic Media Buying

Nach einer eingehenden Google-Recherche kann man sich mit den Ergebnissen schon ziemlich verloren vorkommen. In der Tat erwähnen nur wenige Plattformen, die Programmatic Media Buying anbieten, diesen Service und die Leadgenerierung in einem Satz. Der Grund könnte dafür sein, dass bisher nur wenige führende Vermarkter zum Programmatic Media Buying übergegangen sind. Aber was ist mit … Read more

Lead Gen Through Programmatic Media Buying – is that working?

Is lead gen through programmatic media buying working? After doing a Google search, you may be lost for results. In fact, very few platforms that support programmatic media buying even mention both lead gen and programmatic buying in the same sentence. The reason for this is because many lead marketers still haven’t moved over to … Read more

RTB in Germany – What to Expect in 2015

As you can expect, RTB is growing worldwide, but what kind of results can we expect to see in 2015? Focussing on Germany in particular, we’ll be sharing some interesting insights into industry predictions for RTB in Germany in 2015. 5 Year Growth Is Insane If we go back 5 years and look at the … Read more

What’s the Difference Between Using a DSP and an Agency Trading Desk?

When buying ads, it’s important to understand what’s what. Unfortunately, for those new to the industry, there are more than enough terms and buzzwords to get you completely swamped with information before you’ve even started. The best thing to do is to take things a step at a time, and when you come across something … Read more

The Agency Trading Desk Model – What Can It Do For You?

Agency Trading Desk

The agency trading desk model allows advertisers a dynamic way to purchase audiences in real-time. Those who go through this route for advertising will be able to make use of real-time data to make purchases on display media in a similar fashion to a traditional stock exchange. In recent years, many marketers have asked what … Read more

Advertising Tech and Big Data – A Love Match Made in Heaven

Advertising Technology has now become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, and plenty of businesses are flourishing because of it. As we move forward into a more mobile-centric world, opportunities for ad tech to grow will arise. One such opportunity involves ad tech companies using big data, and the combined are like a … Read more