How To Create Consistent Content (✓…sorted)

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Have you ever wondered how some companies are able to produce content on a regular basis? They have mastered the art of consistency. Consistency is one of the key components in marketing, and it’s how many bloggers, podcasters, and other small businesses have been able to grow their audience over time. In this blog post, I will share how you can create consistent content for your business or blogs!

The importance of consistency in marketing

If you work for a small business and/or you just started blogging, then how do you plan on standing out from the crowd? How will people know that your site is worth reading and following if there isn’t any content being published regularly?

Consistency helps to build trust with an audience because it shows them how often they can expect something new or valuable from you. Without consistency in marketing, how could a company even begin building its brand’s voice? If customers are constantly seeing different messaging all over social media or through emails this would make for a very confusing experience!

How to create consistent content

It’s no secret that content creation is a challenging task. Here are some tips to ensure you never run out of material again:

1) Plan to be consistent (content planning)

In my 25 years in digital marketing, I learned that it’s super-helpful to have a good content plan in place for at least 6 months – for yourself, your team, and other stakeholders in the company. Don’t over plan things but stay agile (and use agile marketing with 2 weeks sprints, etc.). We used to sit together for days sometimes until we had managed to put together a proper content plan.

content planning
Content planning

2) Make the output consistent (content calendar)

A content calendar is how you can plan out your content for the next months, weeks, or days. It’s also how each of us here at Jollymarketer manages our own workflows and how we communicate with everyone on our team about what needs to be done when. Ideally use a tool like Asana or Trello for better visualization and collaboration. This means connecting strategy with execution/content – the most important thing in marketing today is being able to connect strategy with execution across teams. Think of how many people are involved in creating content: the writer, the designer, sometimes the website admin, sometimes it has to be approved by some managers – you need to align them and get their commitment in a content calendar.

3) Make 1+2 even more productive and create a content repurposing and dissemination plan (content dissemination)

Sharing content across different channels is how it can be seen by a lot of people. If you’re doing this all manually, then the time required to do so would likely become unmanageable for how much work there needs to get done! Create a strategy where parts or snippets from your existing content are used again in new ways that make sense and don’t make the same point twice. Make sure to always add fresh ideas, thoughts, or perspectives when repurposing content because this will help increase how engaging it is – your audience wants something new! Why not take the creativity of what you are already doing, and put it to use? We all have content sitting around on our computers or phone that could be repurposed for all sorts of positive impacts. Make a list of ways your company can benefit from recycling some old material with a new purpose – think creatively!

How to Create Consistent Content
Content dissemination

4) Become content-productive

If you’re the content producer, create a daily routine for your work. I recommend allocating certain times of the day only for content production (it’s so easy to get lost for a too long time in yesterday’s Google Analytics reports, isn’t it?). Personally, I used to check yesterday’s numbers first thing in the morning – now I replaced it with producing one piece of content in the morning before anything else – and it works like a charm!

5) Keep your eyes open and structure your ideas

It’s easy to get distracted when you have a million thoughts going through your head, but um…let me help. You should make it a priority and store all those random yet valuable ideas in one special place so that they’re always at hand for when inspiration strikes! That way next time something amazing pops into existence right out of thin air – boom–you can go straight home from work or school with the answer already written down on paper readymade just waiting there patiently because everything has its purpose around here after all (unless someone comes up w/a brilliant idea while showering).

My personal approach is a combination of: tagged pocket list (while I see something while I am browsing) and Google Keep (when I am out and about I leave a voice note on Google keep and tag it accordingly).

 structure your ideas
Structure your ideas

6) Get everyone on board (internal content production)

We all know quality beats quantity, but how do you get your team on board with this? Here’s a little secret: make it clear to them why consistent content production is the best thing for the company as a whole. A lot of people don’t realize how much time and effort goes into producing quality material, especially if they’re not familiar with how blogging works from an inside perspective. Explain to the salespeople that a blog post can work as a foot in the door or gateway to prospects in high parts of the marketing-/sale-funnel and they are much more inclined to help you. But most importantly get the buy-in from the senior management and have the content produced by the people with the most domain expertise – your internal team! Think of all the knowledge you could get hold of when collaborating with:

  • product management
  • c-level
  • sales
  • tech team
  • customer success team
  • etc.

7) Use all sorts of tools to help you (my favorite productivity hacks)

How many times have you worked all day on a post and it just didn’t come together how you wanted? Don’t know how to structure your ideas or find the right words for that one paragraph that would tie everything you’ve written so far together? Well, I do.

External tools:

  • Grammarly helps with grammar mistakes (and we all make those)
  • Hemingway App helps with sentence length/complexity
  • CoSchedule is an amazing editorial calendar platform that allows collaboration at every step of content production from planning to promotion. The best part about this tool is how integrative its features are–which will save me time by not having to switch between different apps throughout my workday!
  • Jarvis helps you with your content production by suggesting how you can write a given piece of text in the fastest way possible.
  • Asana – helps with content plans, content calendars, and general collaboration
  • Canva – helps with producing imagery for your content fast
  • SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc – help with finding the right keywords you can rank for (making the content more effective)
  • Buffer, Tailwind, Hootsuite, and/or Tweetdeck – for social media promotion
  • Upwork, Fiver, etc – helps with finding more resources to produce more content (designers, writers, researchers, etc.)

Internal tools:

  • Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides – how many times have you had to collaborate on a document with someone? Exactly. You can edit documents in real-time or share them for general collaboration just like how it’s done on Google Docs/Sheets.
  • Microsoft teams / Slack etc. – don’t communicate through email, use chat. Even better only communication in Asana on the very specific content production tasks.
  • Trello or Asana are also amazing tools to manage your content promotion strategy as well because of its features: i) easily assign tasks; ii) visualize workflow; iii) organize ideas by topic; iv) view progress at any given point in time; v) gives deadlines.
  • Your CRM and CMS tools – this should be fully integrated into the content production process (email templates, blog post templates, workflows, etc.
Manage your teams work projects tasks online • Asana How To Create Consistent Content (✓...sorted)
Asana – collaboration tool

8) Collaborate with others within your niche communities who have overlapping interests

Some of the most successful content I have produced with partners that share the same audience. Potential gains are:

  • Utilizing their existing clients and sharing yours with them; for instance for promotional email shots.
  • Piggybacking on their trust; getting introduced through a “common friend” always works so much better…
  • Bringing additional knowledge power to the table, and produce even better and more holistic content

9) Allow content to mature and improve then

Imagine the power of a content pillar post – look for ways to extend it and remember that you are creating pillars in order to create long-term value with your website, so don’t just stop at one pillar. Continually look for ways to extend it!

The same accounts for content that had lost the first page rankings, update the content and win back the traffic!

How to Create Consistent great Content

10) The benefits of how to create consistent content

Consistent content also has many other positive aspects besides simply branding yourself as someone who cares about their business enough to consistently produce quality work.

SEO impact

The most obvious benefit of creating consistent content is how it helps to increase your search engine rankings.

Google’s algorithm changes are always occurring, but one thing that seems to remain true about ranking high in the SERPs (search engine results pages) is how helpful and relevant content can be for users looking to solve their problems or answer questions. If you want people like this coming back to your site again and again then creating consistent content will help greatly with achieving this goal!

Also Google itself says a consistent updating of the website’s content helps to a positive SEO impact.

Practice makes perfect

Another benefit of producing steady amounts of great content on a regular basis is how much easier it becomes over time. When I first started blogging my posts definitely ranged from anywhere between two sentences all the way up until articles taking me several hours depending on what was covered. Nowadays if I only sit down for around 15-20 minutes I can write about 400 words, when it used to take me four times as long.

The more you practice something the better at it you will become! It’s how children learn how to play an instrument or how they get good grades in school. The only difference is that instead of improving over time with studying and exams then content marketing becomes easier due to putting out solid work consistently.

Consistency creates trust

If a company produces good content on a regular basis then how can you not be back for more? The chances of being let down by a company are greatly reduced when that business has been producing great content consistently over time.

Consistency and trust go hand in hand, how many times have you come across an unreliable or untrustworthy source on the web before? It happens all the time due to how we as humans naturally gravitate towards things we know about already! We like what we like and we become familiar with it which leads us to feel safe continuing our relationship with those sources.

That’s why consistency is such a valuable asset for marketers everywhere because without it how else does one expect any type of long-term relationships to form between their brand and potential customers? People need reassurance that a company will continue to produce good content.

In case you’re still asking yourself about how to create consistent content? I am happy to share many more hacks with you – just send an email:

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Author: Richard Buettner

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